First of all..thankyou so much for the response to my last guys have no idea how much that encouraged me :) I know I shouldn't be looking to other people's approval and affirmation for my self esteem, or to decided what I should or shouldn't do, but sometimes it really helps to get a pick-me-up, and you girls did a beautiful job at that, so thankyou!
So. My sparklies today? (What is a sparkly you may ask? Something that makes your day a little more twinkly and happy of course!!)
So. Twinkly sparkly thing number one?
The fact that I found my dream phone..and I can afford it.
Behold...the beauty.
It's the Samsung Intercept, and I would be buying it from Virgin mobile...but oh my lands, isn't it beautiful?
It's got everything I want. A touch screen, slide out keyboard, access to google, facebook, email, everything, plus unlimited text. It's an unbelievable package...unlimited text, web, email, and data, plus 300 minutes for only $25 a month. Which is awesome cuz I almost never talk on my cell, I always text, so it's amaaaazing.
I am sold, and in love :) So if you're lookin for a new phone that's pretty high tech (It has android!) for a quite modest price...check out the Samsung Intercept from Virgin Mobile..I can't wait to get it!!
Second sparkly:
The green tea method I mentioned yesterday, is still pretty awesome. It's been only two days, and around five uses of the green tea, and some of the redness has gone down, along with the swelling of the "papules" as my derm calls them :) I can't wait to see what'll happen after a week..two weeks...a month? I shall keep you guys posted!
Who knew this:
Could help with acne? A quite well kept natural secret. I thought I had tried everything (honey, which made me break out more) baking soda (which smelled nasty and didn't really work) lemon juice (which irritated my pretty sensitive skin)...but green tea? Never heard of it before now. But I definitely think it's worth continuing, because it's so healthy, not only for your face, but for every part of your body.
Third twinkly sparkly thingie:
The very real possibility of maybe being able to pursue esthetics as a career. I've got kind of a rough plan..first go to a college, maybe U of Florida, or UCF or something, and major in something useful, like business, then go to a skincare\cosmetology school and get my become a licensed esthetician. I've heard the job market out there is touch for that kind of business, so I'll use my degree from college to get another job until I get my esthetics work going :)
It's just an idea, but a happy idea, and to me, really inspiring.
Fourth sparkly:
My friends, and a special somebody :) Their enough to make me sparkle ANY day.
Something I could ask your prayer for?
My prayer life. It is ironic, but lately I find myself drifting farther and farther away, and its scaring me. I don't want to become one of those materialistic christian-in-name only people. I want to be DEEP in the Lord, on fire for God. And right now, I'm kind of an ember...anyways, I need prayer for that's been hard.
Have an AMAZZZZING weekend!!
All my love and God's blessings,
Wow... that phone looks amazing! And what a great deal. :D This is such a fun post idea. I love the little sparklies in life. ;)
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful weekend, Ariana!
~ Lindsay
Thankyou so much lindsay :) I hope you have an awesome weekend too :)