But I have two pieces of rather big news:
First of all:
This handsome fella is now my boyfriend :) And he is pretty awesome and stuff and I like his face :3
Second of all:
I will be going on a YWAM DTS for six months, starting June 3rd. I knowww that's a whole ton of capital letters next to each that don't mean anything to you guys, so I'll explain it!
YWAM (or youth with a mission) is an organization dedicated to training up college students to serve God and spread his message throughout the world, they have bases all over the world, and have ministered to thousands of people. They have this program called Discipleship Training School (hence the DTS) and its a program where students over the age of 18, train for three months at one of their bases, really growing in their faith and learning how to share their faith, before going out and doing missions work for around ten weeks.
And that's what I am doing! And I can't even BEGIN to describe how EXCITED I am. It all started when I was reading this excellent book entitled 'Lady In Waiting' (which I reccomend every young woman read, single or otherwise) and there was a whole chapter dedicated to encouraging young unmarried women to, rather than trying to fulfill themselves through human relationships, use their single-ness and freedom to serve God. That really struck me. These years of my life, when I am in college and unmarried, is when I have the least responsibility on me. I don't have a family of my own to take care of, nor do I have a job that consumes alot of my time. I do have alot of free time, and that free should and will be used to serve the Lord.
God is so awesome and has blessed me so much..I should be using all of my time to serve him and bring him glory, and that it is what I am determined to do.
I will be training in Madison, WI for three months, then I will go to Northeast India and Bhutan, which is an AMAZING God-thing, because I have always been drawn to India and felt like I needed to go there, and I didn't even know we were going to go to India when I applied for the DTS.
So this is going to be a big journey for me and I am so excited to be going on it..just bear in mind you guys, that I will be in training for three months, then in India for the rest of the time..my blogging will be sporadic at best, but I will try to share as much of the experience as I can with you guys.
Please pray for strength and boldness as I take this step down the path that God is guiding me, I can't wait to go grow closer and closer to him.
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